Our Officers & EJS Team
Nena P. Messina, PhD - PRESIDENT
Nena Messina is President and CEO at EJS. She is a criminologist with over 25 years’ experience working in criminal justice and substance use research. Dr. Messina's areas of expertise include the association between crime, psychiatric disorders, and substance use, as well as the specialized treatment needs of justice-involved women. Throughout her career, Dr. Messina has directed multiple randomized clinical trials funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the California Endowment, the Office of Violence Against Women, the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), and the National Institute of Justice.
Kira Jeter, M.P.H
Kira Jeter is the Secretary for EJS. She has over 15 years of experience implementing and evaluating addiction health services and mental health treatment programs for homeless and justice-involved individuals. Her research interests include gender responsive/trauma informed treatment and evaluation, and mixed methods research. Ms. Jeter has provided technical assistance on data collection, evidence-based practices, project management, and building collaborative partnerships with community-based organizations. Ms. Jeter is currently a Doctor of Public Health student at UC Berkeley.
Michael Tann is a retired Associate Warden from the CDCR and is the Program Coordinator for Exploring Trauma Plus at multiple men’s prisons. Mr. Tann is a liaison with the prisons for our research team.
Velda Dobson-Davis is a retired Chief Deputy Warden from the CDCR and is the Program Coordinator for both Healing Trauma Plus and Beyond Violence Plus programs at the Central California Women’s Facility. Ms. Dobson-Davis is a liaison at the prison for our research team.
Stacy B. Calhoun, PhD - VICE PRESIDENT
Stacy Calhoun is the Vice President at EJS. She is a criminologist and has been involved in criminal justice and behavioral health research for over 20 years. She has directed numerous research and evaluation studies funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the California Endowment, the National Institute of Justice, the CDCR.
Lindsey Price
Lindsey Price is the Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer for EJS. Ms. Price has been an essential member to the success of numerous startups and small businesses. After taking a break from the startup world for 4 years, in which she worked with a multi-client Accounting and CPA Firm, Ms. Price decided to return to her roots of a San Diego based startup. She is now the owner of L. Price Consulting, which specializes in accounting for small businesses and non-profits.
Iva Regina Dotson is a retired Correctional Counselor III from the CDCR and is the Program Coordinator for both Healing Trauma Plus and Beyond Violence Plus at the California Institution for Women. Ms. Dotson is a liaison at the prison for our research team.
Lupe Cartagena is a retired Correctional Counselor III from the CDCR and is the Program Coordinator for Helping Men Recover at the California Institution for Men. He is the liaison at the prison for our research team.
Liliana Gregorio, BSW is a research assistant at EJS with a bachelors degree in Social Welfare.
Aida Santos, BS is a research assistant at EJS with a bachelors degree in Criminal Justice.